Why Does the World Keep Changing?

Julie Aiken
2 min readOct 24, 2020

Why does the world keep changing!?!

A wave of sadness just came over me because… wait for it… Pier 1 closed. Yeah, I know, it’s not a big deal in the scheme of world events. So why does it plunge me into the doldrums, threatening to tip me over into depression?

First, because I’m prone to depression. Depression is always there, hovering around my heart and mind, waiting to alight.

Second, we’re in a time of upheaval and impermanence. So many familiar things are disappearing. Businesses are being really hard hit by COVID-19, and many of our favorite stores and restaurants are closing. Entertainment venues such as small clubs, concert venues and movie theatres are sinking fast.

We’re lonely. Quarantine isolation sucks, and while I love the online meeting and socializing revolution, I miss people. Some of us are extremely social, and are really floundering.

We’re in economic crisis. Pier 1 was on the way out before the pandemic, along with a lot of retail stores. People are losing their jobs or having their hours cut. Food delivery is wonderful and convenient, but it’s not cheap. So many little things are hurting even those who are still employed. Hitting them hard.

And then there’s the palpable weight of the loss. So many people lost. So many grandparents dying alone. So many heroic front line workers paying the ultimate price.

And the stupidity. I won’t get political, but that’s depressing, too. Just the general stupidity to refuse to wear a mask because “freedom”… Jackasses. Sorry, that’s how I feel. This could be contained if people would stop being stupid. Like that’ll ever happen.

So… Pier 1 closing brings up a lot of depressing thoughts! What to do?

Turn off the TV for today. You can do it!
Take a long walk. It clears your mind and is a great anti-depression technique.
Make a list of 5 wonderful things in the world right now.
Have a healthy meal. OR have a hot fudge sundae. (Or both.)

(And, by the way, pier1.com has a lot of quirky, fun items and many of the same candle and oil scents as the store did, plus the familiar Pier1 logo. It’s not the same, but it’s pretty great!)




Julie Aiken

Julie Aiken, author of the book "Coping with Depression: A Tip-a-Day for 2021," has a passion for understanding and defeating depression.